CB4 will take a vote Wednesday on whether or not to ask for a feasibility study of 20 bus spaces to be added to the Shuttle museum that will be built on the Intrepid parking lot.

Mayor’s Midtown citizens Committee has worked diligently to assist in our Idle Free Hell’s Kitchen campaign by increasing legal parking for charter and tour buses,  which reduces bus Idling. Combining 20 additional bus layover spaces with the Shuttle Museum which itself needs bus parking , is a good solution that makes best use of this space.
Please show up and speak up!

CB4 Full Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 2nd, 6:30 Pp.M.
Fulton Center, 119 Ninth Avenue, (18-19)

If you arrive early and sign up to speak you will be out of there by 7:00 pm.
You have 2 minutes to speak
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