Although we have scored many successes in our battle to rid our streets of buses, we are still losing the war:  curbside parking is disappearing as development in Hudson Yards accelerates, while the need to bring ever more tourists is growing. We need a bus garage to be built , a permanent solution the City promised in the 2005 Hudson Yards Rezoning.
Now we have a unique opportunity to push for it :

the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) is updating the 25 year Regional Transportation Plan, a strategic blueprint for how the federal and state transportation funding should be spent  in our region. Public input is accepted as we speak.


ASK  for a BUS GARAGE to be included in the plan .

You can make it happen by VOTING for the idea HERE

NOTE : the site requires you to create a user id and password , but it is well worth the effort. You will be able to vote for other safety initiatives  to be included in the plan (see below).

Manhattan Community Board 4 sent a resolution to NYMTC and our elected officials, asking for the following ideas to be included in the plan, in addition to a bus garage. Click on each idea that you want to vote for:

CHEKPEDS has also asked for the following ideas to be included in the plan in addition to the above. Click on each idea that you want to vote for:

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