One Step Away from final Approval

NYMTC (New York Metropolitan Transportation Council), the regional planning organization that supervises the disbursement and proper ustilization of Transportation Federal Funds for our region just published its 2007 budget proposal.
The study of “Lincon Tunnel entrances, with a special focus on 9th Avenue and pedestrian safety ” that our coalition requested last year with the support of our elected officials is included with a budget of $ 250,000.

While It is not final until the funds have been voted in Waashington, this is as close as we have ever been to a comprehensive, multi agency rethink of the Lincoln tunnel flows and their effect on our neighborhood. The final funding will be released in April.

In the meantime , the 9th Avenue Renaissance project is gathering invaluable information from the community on the various problems and solutions that need to be studied, with a clear end result in mind.

click here to program description

click here to Read the Original Request

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