75% of our community members are concerned for their safety because of traffic , while only 6% are concerned about crime!
Just two weeks ago, another pedestrian was killed by a truck trurning from 9th Avenue onto 16th Street. On Friday morning a 55 year old lady with a walker was killed by a bus turning west from 9th Avenue on 45th street and last night a young woman was ciritically injured by a truck turning into the Lincoln Tunnel lanes from 37th street at 9th Avenue. In all cases the pedestrians had the light, and the drivers walked away with summons.

We must obtain more enforcement at intersections, officers who care more about pedestrian safety than flow of cars and who are qualified to issue summons.

City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and the Chair of the Public Safety committee are hosting town hall meetings to give community members the opportunity to voice concerns about and suggest improvements to current police operations in their neighborhoods.

Tuesday, February 27
Mc Burney YMCA
125 West 14th Street, btwn 6th – 7th Ave.

WE must also change the laws so that the life of a pedestrian is worth more than a summons ! Join the hundreds who will gather at City Hall to rally for Pedestrian Safety.

Citywide Rally
Sunday March 4 at 3 pm
City Hall

Please join us. These are critical times and we must speak up for our safety.

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