Posted inCHEKPEDSPedestrian safety

Pedestrian Safety summit: DOT Commissionner gets an earful of frustrated complaints from West Side’s feisty pedestrians.

In May 2008,  our elected officials convened a pedestrian summit with the DOT commissioner. More than 150 vocal residents showed up and shared a collection of grievances all very resonable. If none of them were new to us , it… Read more “Pedestrian Safety summit: DOT Commissionner gets an earful of frustrated complaints from West Side’s feisty pedestrians.”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceEvents

The Upper West Side Streets Renaissance Campaign unveils a Blueprint for the Upper West Side

with Special Guest Speaker Jan Gehl, the visionary urban designer who oversaw Copenhagen’s 30-year transformation into a pedestrian and cyclist friendly city. Thursday, November 13, 2008 from 6:30 to 8:30pm, P.S. 87 , 160 West 78th Street between Amsterdam and… Read more “The Upper West Side Streets Renaissance Campaign unveils a Blueprint for the Upper West Side”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceComplete StreetsEvents

CALL TO ACTION : Give Your Input on selecting a designer for Hudson Park and Boulevard

Monday September 22 @ 6:30 PM Hudson Guild , Dan Carpenter Room, 441 West 26th Street (bet. 9th & 10th Avenues) JOIN US see five design  proposals for new park & boulevard MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD The Hudson Park &… Read more “CALL TO ACTION : Give Your Input on selecting a designer for Hudson Park and Boulevard”