Posted inCHEKPEDSCongestionTraffic Justice

CB4 requests that the city adopt measures to curb unwarranted automobile use by city employees

July 2006- A study has shown that city employees use their cars at twice the rate of the rest of the population in new York city . Reducing the city employees usage of automobile would significantly alleviate the congestion in… Read more “CB4 requests that the city adopt measures to curb unwarranted automobile use by city employees”
Posted inCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsCongestionPedestrian safety

Doctoroff responds to our letter: Congestion is a Major Problem. Time to Act.

Per the experts, his letter contains some genuine, heard-it-hear-first information. The first piece of news is Doctoroff’s acknowledgement that congestion is a “major problem” that “will only get worse unless we act.” The second news item is Doctoroff’s announcement that… Read more “Doctoroff responds to our letter: Congestion is a Major Problem. Time to Act.”
Posted inCHEKPEDSClean AirComplete StreetsCongestionPedestrian safetyTraffic JusticeTransit

Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff : “Congestion is a problem, it is time to act “

Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff responded to our coalition’s call for an overhaul of the transportation policy : Our call had been echoed by Community Boards 2 and 4 which both sent letters to the Deputy Mayor. Congestion a Major Problem… Read more “Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff : “Congestion is a problem, it is time to act “”
Posted inCHEKPEDSCongestionDOT STUDYPedestrian safety

Coalition Members meet with DOT, PANYNJ and NYPD top Officials

Members of the coalition and Marissa Redanty , chair of the Manhattan Plaza Tenants Association met with Margaret Forgione, Manhattan Borough Commisssioner, New York city Department of Transportation and her key staffs members. Also present were officials from the Port… Read more “Coalition Members meet with DOT, PANYNJ and NYPD top Officials”