There is a dangerous street crossing

  1. Observe the intersection and the reason why it is dangerous (more details is better). Pictures or movies are very helpful too.
  2. Call 311 and request more police enforcement at the intersection
  3. Collect statistics if you can
  4. Write a letter/email to  Community Board  4 to present the problem to the Transportation Committee.
  5. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)
  6. Copy Chekpeds

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A pedestrian crossing is repeatedly obstructed by gridlocked cars
  1. Observe the intersection and the reason why it is gridlocked (obstruction ahead?  Careless drivers?  Long Vehicles?)
  2. Collect statistics if you can (how often , specific days, times of days). Pictures or movies are very helpful too.
  3. Call 311 and request more enforcement of “Spill backs”
  4. Call your precinct or Attend your Police Precinct community council and request enforcement at this intersection
  5. Write a letter to NYPD, Chief Tuller,  1 Police Plaza , New York City, NY, 10007  to request enforcement at this intersection.
  6. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)
  7. Copy Chekpeds

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Blocked drains (catch basin) make crossing unsafe

  1. CAll 311 everyday for one week
  2. If not resolved within  one week, take pictures
  3. Send pictures and reference numbers of your 311 calls to Community Board  4 to present at the Quality of Life Committee
  4. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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There is prolonged honking because of gridlock in the street

  1. Call your precinct and ask them to send a resource
  2. If the precinct indicates lack of resource ask them to call the traffic management center to obtain a resource
  3. Optionally call 311 and ask the same (this step will give you a track number)
  4. CAll 311 and ask for a no honking sign to be installed
  5. Send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Quality of Life Committee
  6. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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Street lights are out

  1. CAll 311 at least three times
  2. If still not resolved, send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Transportation Committee
  3. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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Buses are parked illegally and /or other Vehicles Idle

Our district has the third highest rate of Asthma in Manhattan and this is due to the high proportion of trucks and buses in our neighborhood. Idling vehicles (keep the engine running while standing, parking, loading or unloading etc.) is a major cause of pollution.

Did you know that it is ILLEGAL in New York for ALL vehicles to IDLE?
For more than three minutes everywhere
For more than 1 minute around a school
The penalty can go as high as $ 2,500 for repeat offenders.

What can YOU do?

  1. The most effective approach is to  ask nicely :  go to the idling vehicles and ask the driver to stop idling. Tell them we have a high rate of Asthma and you ask them to please cut their engine.
  2. Give the bus striver a map of the legal parking zones for buses and ask them to move there. Downlaod the maps here and here.
  3. If they do not leave call traffic enforcement at Traffic Enforcement dispatch number: 212-268-1640 (they actually do respond and do write tickets)
  4. Call 311, if there are multiple vehicles idling indicate it is a “hot Spot”
  5. CAll 212-268-3219. After 8:00 pm, the number is 212-996-8584.
  6. Attend you Police Precint Council Call your precinct and ask for enforcement
  7. Call you Council Member’s Office
  8. Send letter to

Division Director Air/Noise Permitting, Enforcement & Policy Environmental Compliance, New York city Department of Environmental Protection, 59-17 Junction Boulevard, 13th Floor, Flushing, NY 11373

  1. If still not resolved, send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Transportation Committee
  2. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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There is no pedestrian ramp at the crossing (or it is damaged)

  1. CAll 311 at least three times
  2. If you have not obtained a date for resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Transportation Committee
  3. Copy your elected officials (see Resources),
  4. Copy the Complaint division of the Department of Justice ,

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Disability Rights Section – NYAV
Washington, D.C. 20530

If you wish your complaint to be considered for referral to the Department s ADA Mediation Program, please mark “Attention: Mediation” on the outside of the envelope.

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The sidewalk is damaged with cracks

  1. CAll 311 at least three times
  2. If you have not obtained a date for resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Transportation Committee
  3. Copy your elected officials (see Resources),
  4. Copy Chekpeds

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The sidewalk is constantly obstructed by one of the following:

sidewalk cafe furniture or cafe customers overflowing.

  1. CAll 311 at least three times
  2. Take photographs, note frequency, specific day or time of the day
  3. Attend you block association meeting
  4. If you have not obtained resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Business Licenses Committee
  5. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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 sandwich board

  1. Report to the Department of sanitation
  2. Take photographs, note frequency, specific day or time of the day
  3. Attend you block association meeting
  4. If you have not obtained resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Business Licenses Committee
  5. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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Storm Enclosure – Vestibule

  1. Report to the Department of Buildings  
  2. Take photographs, note frequency, specific day or time of the day
  3. Attend you block association meeting
  4. If you have not obtained resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Business Licenses Committee
  5. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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food or flower stand , materials near newsstand, street vendors, cars overflowing from parking, news racks empty or dirty, trap doors constantly open, sidewalk ATMs etc.. 

  1. Talk to the manager of the establishment and ask for corrective actions
  2. Report to 311 at least three times
  3. Take photographs, note frequency, specific day or time of the day
  4. Attend you block association meeting
  5. If you have not obtained resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Transportation Committee
  6. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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The sidewalk is dirty, snow is not removed, or obstructed by garbage

  1. Talk to the manager of the establishment and ask for corrective actions
  2. CAll 311 at least three times
  3. Take photographs, note frequency, specific day or time of the day
  4. Attend you block association meeting
  5. If you have not obtained resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Quality of LIfe Committee
  6. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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The phone booths are dirty or not lit

  1. CAll 311 at least three times
  2. Take photographs, note frequency, specific day or time of the day
  3. Attend you block association meeting
  4. If you have not obtained resolution,  send letter with reference numbers of your 311 calls to the Community Board  4 to present to the Transportation Committee
  5. Copy your elected officials (see Resources)

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