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In 2006 the coalition undertook two major initiatives : to develop a community vision for the public spaces in Hell’s Kitchen – particularly for its main street , 9th Avenue-  and raising funds for a comprehensive traffic  engineering study for the West Side.

To broaden the community dialogue and begin describing the community’s vision, CHEKPEDS has sponsored a six month community input process designed by Project for Public Spaces (PPS). We believe the community is the expert and we have enjoyed working with well over 1,000 citizens through town hall meetings, surveys, a community design workshop, street audits, booths at street fairs, blogs, video, web sites, and countless one on one conversations. The study completed in June 2007 was named 9th Avenue Renaissance, and documented in a comprehensive report.

The project was Co Sponsored by Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, State Senator Thomas K. Duane, US Congressman Jerrold Nadler, NYC Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, State Assembly Member Richard Gottfried, Community Board 4,Manhattan

We thank the following people and organizations who made this project possible: The Open Plan Project| Project for Public Space | Transportation Alternatives | NYC Street Renaissance | Citizens for New York | Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer | The Clinton Seed Fund | Holy Cross School | Project Find Coffee House.

In parallel, the coalition petitionned elected officials, to obatin federal funding to be directed by NYMTC (New York Metropolitan Transportation Council ) to this area , in their next selection of study projects . With NYC DOT as sponsor, $ 350,000 were allocated to the study in the first quarter of 2007 .

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elsa rael
14 years ago

9th Avenue Renaissance a wonderful idea! To be able to walk my street safely would
indeed be a total pleasure. Pedestrians in the area deserve every possible
consideration in terms of air quality, as well as crossing safety.

13 years ago

[…] About 9th Avenue Renaissance […]

keith rodan
13 years ago

One thing that would make living at 43rd and 9th Ave. nicer would be if the agents who direct traffic in the 42nd and 9th intersection could refrain from using their whistles.

With warm weather approaching, many of us in the area would like to open our windows and use our balconies. This pleasure is severely marred when we have to listen to constant whistle blowing. It’s not the sound of traffic, which is like white noise, it’s the incessant tweeting that’s distracting, and which spoils any enjoyment of being outside, and especially when trying to read, or simply relax.

Traffic agents do not need these whistles – as has been observed in busy intersections where some agents get by solely with hand signals. It’s only some agents, perhaps more insecure, who use the whistle – and they do it constantly. The other observed truth is that people in cars can’t even hear the whistle when their windows are up – which is in the winter, and even the summer, when they’re using air conditioning.

Talking to traffic supervisors and calls to 311 don’t help. Ditto the local police precinct. This is probably a matter to bring up at a Community Board meeting. There is also some hope that if enough residents complain to 311 or the CB that something may be done about this. Your comments welcome.