As a business owner or a delivery person who uses a bicycle , you will find here the complete set of equipment and report templates to comply with the law. As you kown the NYPD and the Department of Transportation are cracking down on illegal practices amongst bicyclists. See the New York Times Article Here . Save on fines: up to $ 275 and 15 days of jail

Create Log :

It is important to start with this step since you will need each operator ( bicyclist) number to order the id card, the plate and the vest below. Click on the link to download the template:

  • Bicyclists (operator) log: name, address, employment date, termination date and a three digit id number. Two operators cannot share an id number. However if an employee leaves, you can reuse their number for the new employee.  download Template in Excel) .

Post Required Safety Poster(s) in your store

Order Required Equipment

Click on an item below to order from the best value provider that we found for you. (We do not benefit in anyway from these vendors. We are providing this information based on research we did to save you time and are updating it as we find better solutions. We do not control the prices, they can change anytime)

For Questions , contact us  by email or by phone at 212 239 2917.

Train and Retrain your Employees

Maintain required Logs:

Keep the logs available for inspection during regular business hours. Click on the links to download the templates:

  • Bicyclists log: (this is the same template as in the first step) name, address, employment date, termination date and id number (or download Template in Excel)
  • Deliveries Log (id number , origin , destination) (or download Template in Excel).

Congratulations ! you have now ensured the safety of your delivery bicyclists and of your pedestrians neighbors! you have also avoided $ 100s in fines . 

As your staff changes, make it a priority to educate them with the bicycle rules and give them the proper equipment.


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11 years ago

[…] The community affair officer introduces Chekpeds who gives the owner a guide of the equipment needed for each bicyclist. The guide highlights the cost versus the fines. We also give them Bicyclist education kits , which highlight visually the rules of the road. Finally a log of bicyclists is part of the kit as well as a ”do-it-yourself” id card is included in the kit.  The Community affair officer explains that with the bike lane, the enforcement will be intensified and recommends the implementation to avoid fines. The program is online, described here. […]

Tim Walsh
Tim Walsh
3 years ago

Have you shared this information with the office of Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez, chair of the city Council Transportation Committee, and a strong advocate for fair treatment of immigrant delivery people. The office may be willing to disseminate this information.

Team Chekpeds
Team Chekpeds
Reply to  Tim Walsh
3 years ago

WE did this so long ago, but would till be useful. good idea we will .