Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSClean AirEventsGreening

Speak UP: Buses or Playground at 33rd Street and Dyer Avenue?

The next Transportation Planning Committee will evaluate two competing proposals to use a vacant lot at the corner of 33rd Street and Dyer Avenue . Discussion: Bus parking on Port Authority property on 33rd Street Discussion: Clinton School & PANYNJ… Read more “Speak UP: Buses or Playground at 33rd Street and Dyer Avenue?”
Posted inComplete StreetsEvents

Reclaiming Street space for pedestrians : Broadway Plazas at Times Square and Herald Square

Wednesday , March 18th, 2009 from 6:30 to 8:30pm, Westin Hotel, Broadway Ballroom, 270 West 43rd Street, (@ 8th Avenue ) The Departement of Transportation is taking a bold but necessary step: reclaiming Times Square for Pedestrians and streamlining Seventh… Read more “Reclaiming Street space for pedestrians : Broadway Plazas at Times Square and Herald Square”
Posted inCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsEvents

Reclaiming Street space for pedestrians : Broadway Plazas at Times Square and Herald Square

Wednesday , March 18th, 2009 from 6:30 to 8:30pm, Westin Hotel, Broadway Ballroom, 270 West 43rd Street, (@ 8th Avenue ) The Departement of Transportation is taking a bold but necessary step: reclaiming Times Square for Pedestrians and streamlining Seventh… Read more “Reclaiming Street space for pedestrians : Broadway Plazas at Times Square and Herald Square”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceComplete StreetsEvents

CALL TO ACTION : Give Your Input on selecting a designer for Hudson Park and Boulevard

Monday September 22 @ 6:30 PM Hudson Guild , Dan Carpenter Room, 441 West 26th Street (bet. 9th & 10th Avenues) JOIN US see five design  proposals for new park & boulevard MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD The Hudson Park &… Read more “CALL TO ACTION : Give Your Input on selecting a designer for Hudson Park and Boulevard”