Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSClean AirCongestionGreeningPedestrian safetySidewalkTraffic Justice

2015 was a good year for Street Safety!

Thanks to the DOT administration and the advocates of various groups ( most notably Transportation Alternatives ) we made great strides in 2015: Safety: CHEKPEDS’s push on fully protected phases for pedestrian crossings was embraced by the DOT in their… Read more “2015 was a good year for Street Safety!”
Posted inCHEKPEDSTraffic Justice

Join Us to remember the victims: 373,377 lives lost to traffic in US in last 10 years

  November 15, @ 12 Noon, City Hall Park Fountain. There are no words to describe this epidemic and the condoning silence that surrounds it . The costs to society are staggering, and the cost in pain to families indescribable.  … Read more “Join Us to remember the victims: 373,377 lives lost to traffic in US in last 10 years”