Posted inCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsPedestrian safety

Hudson Park Greenway: Our elected officials step up the pressure with the State

After Chekpeds board member Chana Widawsky sent a terrific letter to our elected officials, on the risks to the bicyclists on the Hudson River Park Greenway,  Senator Brad Hoylman rallied all the elected officials whose district includes the Greenway and… Read more “Hudson Park Greenway: Our elected officials step up the pressure with the State”
Posted inCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsTraffic Justice

We are on our own: Albany does not care if drivers kill children, De Blasio gives more talk than $$

While the Families for Safe Streets @NYC_SafeStreets and Transportation Alternatives put together a strong coalition and mounted a brilliant campaign in Albany, the legislative leaders failed to include the modest bill to increase the number of cameras by 60 and… Read more “We are on our own: Albany does not care if drivers kill children, De Blasio gives more talk than $$”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSClean AirComplete StreetsCongestionDOT STUDYGreeningNoisePedestrian safetySidewalkTraffic JusticeTransit

10 Years of fights and successes for safer streets

CHEKPEDS was founded in September 2005. With a bit of delay,  we are taking time to reflect  on the last 10 years, the joys, the frustrations and overall the great progress YOU have accomplished with us and the help of… Read more “10 Years of fights and successes for safer streets”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsPedestrian safetySidewalk

POLLS are open – YOU can vote today for # 15 – Pedestrian Safety !

As part of the Participatory Budgeting, every resident of Chelsea and Hell’s Kitchen who is older than 14,  can now vote for up to 5 capital projects that will be built in our district. Voting will take place April 11… Read more “POLLS are open – YOU can vote today for # 15 – Pedestrian Safety !”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsEventsPedestrian safetySidewalk

Mark Your Calendars: VOTE to fund Safer Pedestrian Crossings

As part of the Participatory Budgeting, every resident of Chelsea and Hell’s Kitchen who is older than 14,  can now vote for a capital project that will be built in our district. Voting will take place from April 11 to… Read more “Mark Your Calendars: VOTE to fund Safer Pedestrian Crossings”