Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsSidewalk

Pedestrian delight: 3 new bike corrals on 9th Avenue floating parking lane, first in NYC

DOT installed three bike corrals  last week on the floating parking lane in Hell’s Kitchen, freeing up much-needed pedestrian  space on a very narrow sidewalk. Casa Di Isaaco, Pomodoro and Aurora Thai  restaurants signed Chekpeds’ Good Neighbor Agreement to maintain… Read more “Pedestrian delight: 3 new bike corrals on 9th Avenue floating parking lane, first in NYC”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsGreening

CB4 supports the creation of Dyer Park – Help Us make it a reality

On January 2nd, the full board of Community Board 4  passed unanimously the resolution to move forward with the creation of a new park by reclaiming three soon-to-be-unused lanes of traffic on Dyer Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.  Community… Read more “CB4 supports the creation of Dyer Park – Help Us make it a reality”
Posted inCHEKPEDSComplete StreetsCongestionEvents

Speak Up: Crosstown bike Lanes, Traffic Safety and more on Transportation Committee Agenda

Join us, your voice is important. November 15 Thursday 6:30 p.m. NEW DATE 351 West 42nd Street, Piano Room 1. Discussion: DOT cross town bike lanes between W. 39th Street and W. 55th Street 2. Hudson River Park Trust: Pier… Read more “Speak Up: Crosstown bike Lanes, Traffic Safety and more on Transportation Committee Agenda”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceComplete StreetsGreening

After 5 Years of Study, 9th Avenue Renaissance underway with bike lanes and new Micro Plaza

In 2007  our community came together to envision how  9th Avenue should be improved. The result was documented in a report called ” 9th Avenue Renaissance” The installation of the bike lanes and pedestrian refuges are the first phase of… Read more “After 5 Years of Study, 9th Avenue Renaissance underway with bike lanes and new Micro Plaza”