Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSEventsPedestrian safety

NEWSTANDS: Amenity or Annoyance? How Many and Where ? Transportation Committee of CB4 to discuss and draft a policy

Wednesday , November 19th, 7:30  to 9:00 p.m. Fulton Houses, 119 9th Avenue ( btw 18/19th) Community Board 4 will discuss the city ‘s current criteria to approve newstands locations and evaluate suplemental conditions the Board may want the applicants… Read more “NEWSTANDS: Amenity or Annoyance? How Many and Where ? Transportation Committee of CB4 to discuss and draft a policy”
Posted inCHEKPEDSPedestrian safety

Pedestrian Safety summit: DOT Commissionner gets an earful of frustrated complaints from West Side’s feisty pedestrians.

In May 2008,  our elected officials convened a pedestrian summit with the DOT commissioner. More than 150 vocal residents showed up and shared a collection of grievances all very resonable. If none of them were new to us , it… Read more “Pedestrian Safety summit: DOT Commissionner gets an earful of frustrated complaints from West Side’s feisty pedestrians.”