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Which Mayoral Candidate will serve best Pedestrians?

On April 22, 2013 CHEKPEDS was a partner organization for the 2013 New York City Mayoral Forum on Sustainability, hosted by the New York League of Conservative Voters Education Fund and The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design. Ernest  Modarelli… Read more “Which Mayoral Candidate will serve best Pedestrians?”
Posted inCHEKPEDSPedestrian safetyTransit

MSG vs CPC : Public or Private, Transportation or Arena, Today or Tomorrow?

Today,  I attended an extraordinary hearing at the City Planning Commission where for once, bold and fundamental societal choices were being discussed overtly in a wholesale fashion,  instead of the grinding game of planning  jurisprudence which usually  characterizes this institution.… Read more “MSG vs CPC : Public or Private, Transportation or Arena, Today or Tomorrow?”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSClean AirPedestrian safetySidewalkTransit

2012: a Year to remember… Wishing you a Greener and Safer 2013!

After the mayhem of Sandy and Newton, it is hard to conclude that 2012 was a good year . Our thoughts are with the many people for whom it was a traumatic year.  While grieving for these enormous losses, we… Read more “2012: a Year to remember… Wishing you a Greener and Safer 2013!”