Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceNoise

CALL TO ACTION: One Click to Stop IIlegal Noise from Double Decker Tour Buses

The tour bus industry has flaunted New York City’s noise code for five years by using loudspeakers on open-air double-decker sightseeing buses. The repeated incursions of these buses at five minutes intervals , seven days a week, as late as… Read more “CALL TO ACTION: One Click to Stop IIlegal Noise from Double Decker Tour Buses”
Posted inCHEKPEDSTransit

CALL TO ACTION : Tell our Elected Officials and Congress to allocate Job Stimulus $$$$ to Build the #7 Subway station at 41st Street and 10th Avenue

The Hudson Yards rezoning plan approved in 2005 included an extension of the subway line # 7 with two stations: 41st Street and 10th Avenue as well as 33rd Street and 11th Avenue. The city indicated in the past that… Read more “CALL TO ACTION : Tell our Elected Officials and Congress to allocate Job Stimulus $$$$ to Build the #7 Subway station at 41st Street and 10th Avenue”
Posted inCHEKPEDSEventsTraffic Justice

CALL TO ACTION : GET THEM OFF THE ROAD Press Conference and Rally against suspended drivers

Last weekend, three New Yorkers were killed by drivers with suspended licenses. On Sunday, Transportation Alternatives will join elected officials and families of the victims on the steps of City Hall to call for tougher laws and enforcement that will… Read more “CALL TO ACTION : GET THEM OFF THE ROAD Press Conference and Rally against suspended drivers”
Posted inCHEKPEDSClean AirCongestionDOT STUDY

Lincoln Tunnel traffic to be lightened by the reopening of Holland Tunnel to truck traffic

On January 1st 2010, small trucks ( up to three axles if you can call that small!) wil be allowed once again to enter Manhattan by the Holland Tunnel. The ban had been imposed since 2001 and caused the volume… Read more “Lincoln Tunnel traffic to be lightened by the reopening of Holland Tunnel to truck traffic”