Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSClean AirCongestionDOT STUDYGreeningNoisePedestrian safetySidewalkTraffic Justice

2010: After five years of activism, we are grateful for a safer year for pedestrians

At its December meeting, CHEKPEDS board took stock of the year’s accomplishments. We have much to celebrate in addition to our fifth year anniversary: safety improvements such as the safe route for seniors project in Hell’s Kitchen , DOT’s publication… Read more “2010: After five years of activism, we are grateful for a safer year for pedestrians”
Posted inCHEKPEDSClean AirCongestionDOT STUDY

Lincoln Tunnel traffic to be lightened by the reopening of Holland Tunnel to truck traffic

On January 1st 2010, small trucks ( up to three axles if you can call that small!) wil be allowed once again to enter Manhattan by the Holland Tunnel. The ban had been imposed since 2001 and caused the volume… Read more “Lincoln Tunnel traffic to be lightened by the reopening of Holland Tunnel to truck traffic”