Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceSidewalk

CB4 to DoiTT: Many payphones are inappropriate to preserve beyond the current franchise

Manhattan Community Board gave the Department of Information Technology  its preferences for the RFI under way for a future phone booths.  The current franchise contract expires in 2014. Many neighbors showed up at the committee hearings to speak of installations… Read more “CB4 to DoiTT: Many payphones are inappropriate to preserve beyond the current franchise”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSClean AirCongestionDOT STUDYGreeningNoisePedestrian safetySidewalkTraffic Justice

2010: After five years of activism, we are grateful for a safer year for pedestrians

At its December meeting, CHEKPEDS board took stock of the year’s accomplishments. We have much to celebrate in addition to our fifth year anniversary: safety improvements such as the safe route for seniors project in Hell’s Kitchen , DOT’s publication… Read more “2010: After five years of activism, we are grateful for a safer year for pedestrians”