Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSPedestrian safetySidewalk

We need your input on Benches: How to keep our seniors walking and healthy

Our Chelsea neighbor, Bob Arnold of Park Chelsea shared with us a city initiative called  “Make NYC Your Gym” a week long annual celebration of fitness in June launched by the Parks department and the Health Department with Expanded BeFitNYC   … Read more “We need your input on Benches: How to keep our seniors walking and healthy”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSEventsGreeningPedestrian safetySidewalkTraffic Justice

Join Us : Pedestrian Safety, Reclaiming Streets and Benches

The agenda of the next CB4 Transportation Committe is full of exciting pedestrian initiatives: Dyer Avenue Proposed Layout re W, 34th-35th Streets, a once in 50 years opportunity to reclaim road space form cars and convert it into green pedestrian… Read more “Join Us : Pedestrian Safety, Reclaiming Streets and Benches”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceSidewalk

Success! Bloomberg launches Reinvent Payphones Design Challenge

This  week Mayor Bloomberg announced the Reinvent Payphones Design Challenge, a competition to rally urban designers, planners, technologists and policy experts to create physical and virtual prototypes that imagine the future of New York City’s public pay telephones. The goal… Read more “Success! Bloomberg launches Reinvent Payphones Design Challenge”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceSidewalk

CB4 to DoiTT: Many payphones are inappropriate to preserve beyond the current franchise

Manhattan Community Board gave the Department of Information Technology  its preferences for the RFI under way for a future phone booths.  The current franchise contract expires in 2014. Many neighbors showed up at the committee hearings to speak of installations… Read more “CB4 to DoiTT: Many payphones are inappropriate to preserve beyond the current franchise”
Posted in9th Avenue RenaissanceCHEKPEDSClean AirCongestionDOT STUDYGreeningNoisePedestrian safetySidewalkTraffic Justice

2010: After five years of activism, we are grateful for a safer year for pedestrians

At its December meeting, CHEKPEDS board took stock of the year’s accomplishments. We have much to celebrate in addition to our fifth year anniversary: safety improvements such as the safe route for seniors project in Hell’s Kitchen , DOT’s publication… Read more “2010: After five years of activism, we are grateful for a safer year for pedestrians”